Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Mamma's Smile

Today morning, I was busy in making Neel ready for school . Trust me I have to rush and need to push him as these are the busiest 30 mins of my day. In sharp 30 mins he gets ready for school . I was doing my task like robot with little static face and suddenly Neel said ,”Mumma, Smile” . I was surprised and smiled looking at his smiling face and then his smile broadened. That moment gave me happiness which I can’t describe in words. And he said "Mamma, you don’t smile these days. Last year when I was in Jr.KG, you used to smile a lot. Now you have changed, you are always angry. Please keep smiling."

 I felt ashamed of myself . Smile is simple ingredient to make life happy. It even spreads smile on other’s faces. And it doesn’t cost anything, yet I am losing it while running behind clock, deadlines . Anyways things won’t change...stress will always remain there but accepting it with smile might change the perspective .

~Snehal J

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